Monday, October 19, 2009

Cowansville CX... DNS

Picture : Marie-Florence Gagnon

After a good first season of bike racing, 8 races in that first season. I decided to let it go a bit. My bronchitis has taken me a long time to get out of. I had less riding done in the last months, so i decided to put my energy at the first project i did coming here in the Eastern Townships, "The House" is want need to be finish.

So i passed on the Cowansville CX race. My good friends Guillaume and Dan did the race and had fun doing it. I will see them next weekend for the last CX race of the season. It will also be my last race of the season. I'm already planing the 2010 calender. I want to add a XC race at the start of the schedule. I like seeing Dan Gerous race the course of Mt Tremblant this year, so i think i'll add it up. I plan on going back to France in 2010, two weeks this time. I might also go do a "road race" over there. Dan showed me this L'étape du Tour 2010, why not give it a try?

Ok as i have more time off from work this week, I'll concentrate on house work, a little bike and my last race next weekend.

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