Friday, October 23, 2009

Officially... the 2009 race season is over... More next year.

My good homemade Thiforine™ Carbon MTB. Did work well all year.

Ok it's officially over my first bike race season is done! I decided to DNS the last race in Sherbrooke the QC CX championships. As my two partners are sick puppets of the last Cowansville race, I'll call it off. I'll go ride for fun instead.

With all the work done this week here on the house project, and also the job done at Mr Hébert's place in the village. I did the roofing of his house for three days. I also had a full-time job this week doing night shift at TVA, my regular job. So that's a lot... and no bike training in the last month. So DNS for Sunday.

I'm proud of my first year of racing. As my Garmin™ coming back from "Raid Bras du Nord" I've hung on all year with good steady performance. I saw the last 1/4 of the calender cut down short due to my bronchitis and then me slacking on the pace for the CX races. But still what a good first year it was! I'm proud. See ya in 2010.

The Garmin™ Edge 305 wanted to stay with us... did Qc -Trois-Rivières on the edge of the roof of the car ;) lucky me!

My good friend Dan Gerous always smiling at every opportunity! His race season also ends with a DNS.

1 comment:

Dan Gerous said...

It's been a good year, you got very strong in a short time. Now, let's enjoy the fall and then start to work toward getting stronger, faster and go further in 2010.