Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Result of first Road event.

I had a blast at this event on Sunday... 43th on 117 cyclist! 89km in 2h35min at 34km/h. what a trill

It was my first road event of the year. At the start it was a cold 12 degrees, more like a fall morning then a summer one. I meat up guys from the forum Velocia at the start. We decide to work as a team, but some of the riders are "machines" so i said to myself try to keep up and you will see. The start was a bit messy because people did not do a single line start, people were taking off in all direction. We were going downhill directly from the start. I soon realized the i had a little problem with my rear cog. I could not go on the last gear, it would go "chain stuck" so i was down on one speed, not to bad. so i followed the group to the front. but i was timid of going in the first field. I should have gone with them. So i let the group go in the first group and decided to stay in the second group of riders. My objective was to stay as close as possible of the front. I did just that with the first 30km. At one point i knew that we were gonna hit some hills, i tried to attack to regroup with the group just in front of us, but sadly my getaway was not a work team to get the group but more of a fallow that guy, so i decided to let go and not take my legs out to soon. So has i regroup with my group i see in front "l'orignal" ( René-Pierre ) from Velocia being sucked back by our group, as we said to ourselves we will join forces. René-Pierre realized that i was a fast climber. After a few hills he told me when we hit the 50km mark and we get a hill try to attack on the climb, as soon as we are on top i'll go in front and we will try to get away from the pack. We did just that. It was a good move. I was the leader in the climbs and he was the bigger rider so he got in front on the descent. we maneged to keep the group at bay thill the end of the event. we even manage to take back 3 other riders the had left the front group. We manage to keep those people beind us to the finish line, René-pierre got to the line just a few meters in front of me, i did not have lots of legs on that hillclimb finish. but i manage to stay in front of the rest of riders. It was so much fun! can't wait for the next race.

To relax after the race i went to my friend Nadia's place just on the side of Orford and we did go for a cool down ride of 40km ... it was very good for my legs. We like to have relax ride around Magog and Orford from time to time. It's sad now people are afraid to go biking with me ... i like to go smooth also! Please! Thanks Nadia for the good meal after the ride, see you soon.

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